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Paz Metal Installations Corp

Durable, Environmentally Friendly, and Energy-Efficient Metal Roofs


Our Services

  • We offer a wide range of metal roofing services, including installation, replacement, and repair. Our team of experts will work with you to determine the best solution for your needs and budget.

Why Metal Roofs?

Today, metal roofs are regaining popularity, featuring an array of materials like stainless steel, aluminum, steel, alloys, zinc, and copper, each with unique properties influencing price, durability, and appearance. Some materials, like copper, are less common due to expense and scarcity.

Metal roofs offer significant advantages. They provide homeowners with enduring value for home upgrades and boast environmental friendliness and energy efficiency. Metal reflects and blocks heat, making it an energy-efficient choice. Its durability and fire-resistant qualities add to its appeal.

Two prevalent materials today are aluminum and steel. Aluminum, being lightweight and rust-resistant, requires coating for enhanced appearance but is prone to denting due to its soft nature. On the other hand, steel is sturdier and heavier, but susceptible to corrosion.


Our Projects

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